Special Autonomy Brought Radical Changes To Papua
By: Achmad Faisal (Master's Degree of Law Student)
Source: jawapos.com |
" Special Autonomy brought radical changes to Papua. Special Autonomy has provided protection for the empowerment of indigenous Papuans. “ (Deputy Chairperson of the 2001 Papua Special Autonomy Team Stering Committee)
The journey of special autonomy in Papua has been going on for 20 years. During the last 20 years, the government has disbursed special autonomy funds of up to Rp. 101.2 trillion. There is an allocation of Fund Transfer and Village Funds (TKDD) from 2005 to 2021 reaching Rp. 702.3 trillion. Meanwhile, spending by ministries / agencies in the Papua region is Rp. 251.29 trillion. Thus the total central government funds for Papua and West Papua for the period 2002-2021 reached Rp. 138.65 trillion.
The number is quite fantastic. Given that only two provinces are financed in the Special Autonomy budget. However, looking at the facts on the ground, the Special Autonomy Fund has brought the lives of Indigenous Papuans to a more advanced level.
Through thr special autonomy, special affirmative rights for Papauans to obtain the right to health, education, economic welfare, to become the main leader in government, employment, and infrastructure development services are fulfilled.
Deputy Chairperson of the 2001 Papua Special Autonomy Compilation Team Stering Committee said, Special Autonomy brought radical changes to Papua. It has provided protection for the empowerment of Papuan People. This is because special autonomy was prepared by a Papuan group that was smart and in accordance with the needs of the times.
Due to the large authority given by the government to ppauan People in managing government, education, economy, and health. Special Autonomy brings Papua out of poverty, underdevelopment and discrimination.
Deputy Minister of Public Works and Public Housing, John Wempi Wetipo added, Special Autonomy was born so that Papuans become masters in their own regions. In the era of President Joko Widodo, a number of breakthroughs were made, such as infrastructure connectivity. If there are those who say that Special autonomy has failed, it must be looked at carefully.
According to Wempi, the failure was not in the special autonomy programm, but on regional officials who were not transparent. Apart from that, regional officials also cannot implement it.
Wempi's statement was shared by a senior Papuan figure, Fredy Numbery. Fredy considered the concept and policy of Special Autonomy to be a great step taken by the state for Papua. Of course, this must be followed by good bureaucracy.
Meanwhile, member of Commission IV of the Papua People's Representative Council, Boy Markus Dawir, stated that the implementation of the Special Autonomy Law in Papua has been successful. He gave an example in the field of education, where there are thousands of indigenous Papuan children who have been sent to schools abroad, such as to Australia, New Zealand, the Netherlands, America, Germany, Japan, China and Africa.
In addition to education, the Special Autonomy funds also flow for religious activities, such as to Church Synods, pastors, regents and mayors, which have intensive religious and educational programs, including health.
The evaluation of Special Autonomy’s success in Papua has also come from traditional leaders in the coastal and mountainous areas of Papua. Traditional leaders say that the program has increased development in Papua.
Sosiri Tribe Chief, Boas Asa Enoch said, special autonomy improves infrastructure in Papua. For example, transportation facilities in the land, sea and air transportation sector. The facilities are six airports consisting of Ewer Airport, Kepi Airport, Ilaga Airport, Oksibil Airport, Nabire Baru Airport, Mopah Airport in Merauke and improvements to Sentani Airport.
Another proof of the success of the special autonomy, is the Trans Papua road. In this way, the prices of basic necessities will become cheaper.
The community leader in the mountains of Papua, David Hubi, added that special autonomy is needed for development in the central highlands of Papua, which is still left behind. Thus, he said that if anyone rejected this special autonomy, it was a mistake.
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